Eight States, 40 Registrants: SPC Helps Veterans Service Providers

May 30, 2018

Public Information Officer

SPC帮助美国军事城市及其他地区的退伍军人服务提供者:6月5日至7日运营学院承诺st专业发展活动阵容. 菲利普学院为来自八个州的退伍军人服务提供者提供服务,包括SPC的美国军事城市提供者, SAC, UIW

The St. 菲利普学院见义勇为退伍军人拓展和过渡中心和托马斯爱迪生州立大学团队今天分享了下个月初在圣安东尼奥举行的全国培训项目的新细节,该项目旨在帮助退伍军人个人将他们的大学教育与下一份工作联系起来 with a full schedule viewable online now.

The program making its St. Philip’s College debut with 40 registrants is the Certificate for Veterans’ Service Providers professional development training June 5-7 in the Bowden Alumni Center within the college’s G.J. 萨顿学习中心大楼位于该市丹佛高地附近的马丁·路德·金大道1801号. 尽管此前已经知道这40名注册者将来自一群大学, universities and veteran organizations in both the National Capital Region and eight states, what is now known is attendees from Texas, Tennessee, Colorado, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Missouri, 怀俄明州和俄克拉何马州将由圣安东尼奥学院的当地和地区同事加入, St. Philip’s College, Grayson College (Denison, Texas), Mary Hardin-Baylor and The University of the Incarnate Word, according to center director William Moseley. 莫斯利既是一名退休的陆军上校,也是该证书课程的2017年校友. Mordecai I. Brownlee, vice president for student success at St. Philip’s College. 莫斯利将在美国军事城项目开幕当天与校友们分享他们的观点.

At St. Philip’s College, the signature professional development training program Operation College Promise 这所位于新泽西州的大学在近十年前设计了一项新项目,旨在教育和授权退伍军人服务提供者为退伍军人重新融入社会提供支持, through and beyond higher education. After participants arrive at the college at noon on June 5, 他们为期三天的体验将在下午1:20的欢迎活动中继续.m., and their program will conclude with a completion ceremony June 7 at 4:30 p.m. in the Bowden Alumni Center. In between time, participants will hear from experts on veteran re-integration during the seven-module Certificate for Veterans’ Service Providers programAccording to the university’s online schedule,experts the pre-registered audience learns from include national representatives and such local authorities as retired Air Force lieutenant colonel San Antonio District 10 Councilman The Honorable Clayton Perry; Army Col. Dave Raugh, 他是圣安东尼奥-萨姆·休斯顿堡联合基地第502部队支援小组的指挥官, 退休的海军陆战队少将,圣安东尼奥市军事事务主任胡安·G. Ayala. Some of the module topics are themed: A Primer on Military Culture; Invisible Injuries of Contemporary Warfare; An Update on the GI Bill and other Educational Benefits; and Creating and Maintaining Effective Community Collaboration.

The U.S. 退伍军人管理局表示,超过100万退伍军人和服务人员正在利用后9/11 GI法案作为他们就业准备的一部分. 在圣路易斯市等大学校园,特殊退伍军人人数的额外增长. Philip's College in Military City USA is forecast over the next five years. 2011年,在伊拉克战争结束后,也就是911事件发生10年后,美国国会成立了这个委员会. 位于康纳利街202号的菲利普学院见义勇为退伍军人拓展和过渡中心(GSVOTC. 在该市的丹佛高地附近,展示了学院与圣安东尼奥市合作提供免费服务的承诺,如就业援助, legal assistance, 为退伍军人和家属提供财务咨询和索赔援助, said Moseley.

Find all St. 菲利普大学退伍军人服务提供者专业发展培训相关证书的详细信息在线 http://www.tesu.edu/military/ocp/cvsp. For Operation College Promise details, contact its director Wendy A. Lang at (609) 989-1100, cell (561) 302-5282, wlang@tesu.edu. 要在6月5日之前获得莫斯利的校友视角证书,请通过电子邮件与他联系 wmoseley1@ngskmc-eis.net.